Carian mengenai topik military government

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai military government dari Astro Awani

With generals barred, Myanmar junta sends bureaucrat to ASEAN meeting

With generals barred, Myanmar junta sends bureaucrat to ASEAN meeting

The military government has refused to take part in dialogue with what it calls "terrorists".
Mon Jan 29 2024
Myanmar rebel group claims control of town bordering India, Bangladesh

Myanmar rebel group claims control of town bordering India, Bangladesh

This marks the latest loss for the military government as it battles rebellion in several parts of the country.
Mon Jan 15 2024
Myanmar junta to free more than 7,000 prisoners under amnesty

Myanmar junta to free more than 7,000 prisoners under amnesty

Myanmar's military government will release 7,012 prisoners under an amnesty to mark the country's independence day, state broadcaster MRTV reported on Wednesday.
Wed Jan 04 2023
Anti-military protests in Myanmar on anniversary of 1988 uprising

Anti-military protests in Myanmar on anniversary of 1988 uprising

Protests against Myanmar's military government broke out across the nation today.
Sun Aug 08 2021
New Zealand suspends ties with Myanmar; to ban visits from military leaders

New Zealand suspends ties with Myanmar; to ban visits from military leaders

New Zealand will also ensure its aid programme will not include projects that are delivered with, or benefit, the military government.
Tue Feb 09 2021
Thai king signs constitution, paving way for election

Thai king signs constitution, paving way for election

Thailand's king signed a new constitution in a ceremony on Thursday, an essential step towards holding an election that the military government has promised to restore democracy after a 2014 coup.
Thu Apr 06 2017
Thai king to sign new constitution this week

Thai king to sign new constitution this week

Thailand's King Maha Vajiralongkorn will sign a new constitution on Thursday, the palace said, an essential step towards holding a general election the military government has promised to restore.
Mon Apr 03 2017
Thai junta seeks extradition of royal insult suspects

Thai junta seeks extradition of royal insult suspects

Thailand's military government has requested the extradition of several people suspected of insulting the monarchy after the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Tue Oct 25 2016
Thailand approves military constitution as nation seeks stability

Thailand approves military constitution as nation seeks stability

A democratically elected government will take power in Thailand at the earliest by December 2017, after the country endorsed a military-backed constitution.
Mon Aug 08 2016
Bomb takes toll on Thai tourism, government predicts swift rebound

Bomb takes toll on Thai tourism, government predicts swift rebound

Thailand's worst-ever bombing has caused a 17 percent fall in tourist arrivals, putting pressure on revenues vital to the military government's moves to resuscitate a struggling economy.
Wed Aug 26 2015
Harga runcit telur gred A,B, C diturunkan 3 sen - PM Anwar

Harga runcit telur gred A,B, C diturunkan 3 sen - PM Anwar

Harga runcit bagi telur ayam gred A, B dan C di pasaran masing-masing 42 sen, 40 sen dan 38 sen sebiji berkuat kuasa hari ini.
Mon Jun 17 2024
AWANI Ringkas: Tiga lagi kematian direkodkan

AWANI Ringkas: Tiga lagi kematian direkodkan

Ikuti rangkuman berita utama yang menjadi tumpuan sepanjang hari di Astro AWANI menerusi AWANI Ringkas.
Mon Jun 17 2024
AWANI Pagi: Kemeriahan Sambutan Aidiladha di Pantai Timur

AWANI Pagi: Kemeriahan Sambutan Aidiladha di Pantai Timur

AWANI Pagi bersama wakil Astro AWANI di Terangganu, Nur Fazlizai Ali dan di Kelantan, Muhafandi Muhamad dalam berkongsi kelainan dan kemeriahan Aidiladha yang disambut di sana.

Mon Jun 17 2024
Perdana Menteri solat sunat Aidiladha di Masjid Putra

Perdana Menteri solat sunat Aidiladha di Masjid Putra

Perdana Menteri Anwar menunaikan solat sunat Aidiladha bersama lebih 20,000 jemaah di Masjid Putra, Putrajaya.
Mon Jun 17 2024
AWANI Pagi: Berita tumpuan & menarik di astroawani.com [17 Jun 2024]

AWANI Pagi: Berita tumpuan & menarik di astroawani.com [17 Jun 2024]

Antara fokus AWANI Pagi bersama Afiezy Azaman & Azib Zikry

Aidiladha: Warga kota pilih bas pulang ke kampung kerana kos murah, dapat rehat

Lebih 1.8 juta umat Islam seluruh dunia tunai ibadat haji tahun ini

Israel sekat kemasukan haiwan korban bagi sambutan Aidiladha di Gaza
Mon Jun 17 2024
Gereja Katedral Jakarta sumbang seekor lembu korban kepada Masjid Istiqlal

Gereja Katedral Jakarta sumbang seekor lembu korban kepada Masjid Istiqlal

Sumbangan haiwan korban itu sebagai tanda toleransi agama dan persahabatan.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Presiden Amerika ucap Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha

Presiden Amerika ucap Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha

Biden turut mendoakan semua jemaah yang menunaikan ibadah haji di Tanah Suci memperoleh haji mabrur.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Pemimpin dunia sertai sidang kemuncak keamanan Ukraine di Switzerland tanpa Rusia, China

Pemimpin dunia sertai sidang kemuncak keamanan Ukraine di Switzerland tanpa Rusia, China

"Perang ini kekal sebagai kegagalan untuk Putin. Saya berada di Switzerland untuk berdiri bersama Ukraine," kata Naib Presiden AS, Kamala Harris.
Mon Jun 17 2024
MyDataHub.Ai: RM150m funding opportunity for SMEs

MyDataHub.Ai: RM150m funding opportunity for SMEs

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) and Dattel Asia Group have launched the MyDataHub.Ai platform to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) gain access to RM150 million in financing. How does the platform facilitate better access to finance and marketing for SMEs?
Mon Jun 17 2024
ESG Islamic investing in MSMEs, sustainable growth

ESG Islamic investing in MSMEs, sustainable growth

Rina Neoh, Co-founder and Co-Managing Partner of Ficus Capital discusses the unique opportunities and challenges of combining ESG-i principles in MSME start-ups, highlighting Ficus Capital’s efforts to showcase the future of ethical investing and how their model sets a benchmark for sustainable and responsible innovation.
Sun Jun 16 2024